Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please visit our ‘Services‘ page in which you can see a list of all the services Marketwise offers. When placing an order, you will have the ability to view our list of services, and fees.

Please go to our website,, and scroll down to the box that says ‘Order An Appraisal.’ If you have an existing account, please login. If you need to create an account, please select the Sign Up option.

Once you have signed into your account, select ‘New Order.’ After this is selected, you will be prompted with a new screen. Please correctly fill out as much information as possible.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Please Note: All files must be paid by credit card before the order will be assigned. Please contact our office for other available options.

The credit card will be charged before the order is assigned to an appraiser. If the credit card is declined, we will notify you immediately.

Unfortunately, due to Appraiser Independence Requirements (AIR) you cannot choose or recommend an appraiser. However, we are always looking for new appraisers, so please feel free to direct them to our sign-up page located here.

Please select one of the search options in the dropdown menu and search for your order.

If the appraisal is not completed, we can usually change the appraisal type. In such cases, please contact our office immediately to check the status of your file. If the report is not complete and we have confirmed with the appraiser that we can change the appraisal type, you will be charged or refunded the difference. If the report is complete or almost complete, you will need to order an upgrade or a different appraisal type.

You will need to log into your account and search for the file that you need. You may double click the file once it appears on your homescreen. This will take you to a new screen that will provide you with your order details. All necessary documents pertaining to the order will appear on this page This is also where you can view the appraisal report.

All necessary documents pertaining to an order will appear under ‘Documents’ in that particular file.

You will need to log into your account and place a new order for a Final Inspection (1004D). Please ensure the ‘subject to’ conditions have been addressed before placing a new order for a Final Inspection.

We cannot change the loan type on an appraisal report. You will need to order an FHA Conversion.The cost depends on the appraiser and whether or not the market has changed since the effective date of the original report. Also, if the original appraiser is not FHA approved, then there is no option but to order a new appraisal at full cost.

We ask all Clients to go to the website and select the ‘More’ tab on the home page. Please choose ‘Appraisal Rebuttal‘ from the menu. The Reconsideration of Value process is designed to provide the best possible service to you, the Client. Please include the information you feel is incorrect and any additional sales you would like reviewed. This information will be reviewed by one of our specialists in the Reconsideration Department. A Reconsideration of Value typically takes 48-72 hours.

On our home page, please select ‘Client Login.’ By doing so, you will have the option to select ‘Forgot Password.’ The system will automatically send an email with the login information to the email address associated with the account.

Appraisal turn times vary by product type, scope of work and location. Properties located in urban or suburban areas generally can be completed quicker than appraisals on properties in rural or remote areas. When you place an order and select a product from the drop-down menu, you will see fee notes giving you our average turn times for that particular product. It will state “Turn time is generally x-y days.”  If a rush order is needed, add $125 and please mention in the notes that you need a “rush.” Price is also subject to increase (amount will vary) for very rural or remote areas and for unique properties.

Due Dates
The due date will automatically default to a date within our average turn time range.  The due date is subject to change depending on the circumstances surrounding the order.

Rush Orders
If you need to indicate that a “rush” is needed on your order, please check the box labeled “rush” when placing the order initially. The “rush” box is located near the top of the order screen, above the “client” field. If the “rush box” is not available, please place a comment in the “Additional Comments/Instructions” section toward the bottom of the order form. If you do indicate that a “rush” is needed, you are authorizing Marketwise to add $125 to the regular price of the appraisal. If you do not wish to be charged a “rush” fee, please do not request a “rush.” Rush orders are subject to availability depending on the area.  In some areas we are unable to provide rush service(s) due to limited appraiser availability.

Terms of Engagement
All appraisals are subject to a full refund if the appraiser has not yet visited the home and completed the inspection. Any order cancelled after the appraiser has already inspected the property will be subject to a 50% refund. If the report is cancelled the day that it is due from the appraiser, there is no refund. All costs in collecting any monies charged back or not paid in full shall be added to the amount owed, plus the maximum amount of interest allowable by law. Amount owed will be the responsibility of the card holder and any party using the card or placing the order.

Marketwise Valuation Services, Inc. does not guarantee any specific time frame in which the requested services will be completed. Marketwise Valuation Services may refer to specific turn-around times, however, these times are mere estimates based on average time frames in the past. In no way is Marketwise Valuation Services guaranteeing or warranting that services will be completed by a specific time. From time to time, services may take longer that originally estimated, and Marketwise Valuation Services, Inc shall not be liable for any claim that may arise based on turn-around time taking longer than originally estimated.

Any Appraisal Services requested is considered to be only an ordering of the opinion of the value of a property. Marketwise Valuation Services, Inc does not warranty or guarantee any opinions.

Appraiser Vendor and Client shall both be excused for failure to perform any part of this Agreement due to events beyond either party’s control, including but not limited to Acts of God, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, accident, riots, acts of terrorism or other civil disturbances. In the instance of any of these occurrences, Appraiser Vendor and Client shall make their best efforts to perform their respective obligations at the first available opportunity.

This transaction shall be construed, interpreted, and the rights of the parties determined in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts of Dade County, Florida, for all purposes hereunder. All claims must be brought and resolved in the Dade County courts. By ordering services through Marketwise Valuation Services, you are waiving any right to bring suit in any jurisdiction other than Dade County, Michigan.

In the instance of any action being brought in regards to collection of payment for services rendered, customer agrees to payment of attorney fees and costs incurred.

Any claim of damages brought against Marketwise Valuation Services, Inc shall be limited to fees actually paid for Appraisal Services.

Marketwise Valuation Services puts an emphasis on maintaining the most comprehensive and qualified appraiser panel. We attempt to compile our panel with only Certified and FHA approved appraisers. However, in certain instances, licensed appraisers who are not FHA approved may be used when necessary.

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